Lydia is our little monkey. She has recently discovered climbing on the outside of the stairs. Joey joins her but only goes up a couple where as she goes up as high as possible. She likes to hang backwards and even steps completely off and just hangs on, eventually putting her feet back on and climbing back down. Danny says, "She thinks she is such a pile". I have yet to figure out, a pile of what...
Lydia and Cyrie both love coloring. It was so cute when they were coloring together, sharing a book. They are good buddies.

Pretty Pink Glasses

Joey has started LOVING to draw and some of his stuff actually looks like what he says it is. I am very impressed with him. Mostly he draws on his Doddle-Pro.
Joey has started LOVING to draw and some of his stuff actually looks like what he says it is. I am very impressed with him. Mostly he draws on his Doddle-Pro.